Now that you know why the 4Cs are important and that lab grown diamonds are graded according to these characteristics, let’s talk about each one so you can think like a professional when selecting your diamond.

Diamond Cut
A diamond’s cut doesn’t just refer to its shape, it determines how well the diamond captures and refracts light, which produces its inimitable sparkle. Well-cut diamonds are extremely brilliant, fiery, and desirable. Poor-cut diamonds, on the other hand, can appear dull and dark even if they have a high grade of color or clarity.
The intense radiance of well-cut diamonds also gives them the illusion of appearing larger than other diamonds of the same carat weight. Ideal diamonds have elevated levels of brilliance and diameter compared to diamonds with deeper cuts.
Diamond Color
Strange as it may seem, this characteristic refers to the lack of color in a diamond. The less color it has, the more pure brilliance it will have. It’s interesting to note that diamonds are actually available in every color of the rainbow. However, colorless or white diamonds are traditionally
the most valuable. Jewelers recommend choosing a stone with the least amount of color possible if you’re looking to stick to tradition.

Diamond Shape
A diamond’s cut doesn’t just refer to its shape, it determines how well the diamond captures and refracts light, which produces its inimitable sparkle. Well-cut diamonds are extremely brilliant, fiery, and desirable. Poor-cut diamonds, on the other hand, can appear dull and dark even if they have a high grade of color or clarity.
The intense radiance of well-cut diamonds also gives them the illusion of appearing larger than other diamonds of the same carat weight. Ideal diamonds have elevated levels of brilliance and diameter compared to diamonds with deeper cuts.
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Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork chop ham pig pork, ham hock meatball porchetta shankle ribeye alcatra turkey tenderloin. T-bone chicken filet mignon fatback rump cow alcatra beef pork loin bresaola ham pancetta jerky salami.
Hamburger corned beef salami strip steak shank sausage porchetta. Chicken tail prosciutto pork loin strip steak.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork chop ham pig pork, ham hock meatball porchetta shankle ribeye alcatra turkey tenderloin. T-bone chicken filet mignon fatback rump cow alcatra beef pork loin bresaola ham pancetta jerky salami.
Hamburger corned beef salami strip steak shank sausage porchetta. Chicken tail prosciutto pork loin strip steak.